Expertise in creative content production accurately explains the offering at 2FEET. Â Phil has worked on literally hundreds of hours of film, television, online video content, documentaries and corporate videos.
No matter the size or scale of the brief the same 2 FEET principals apply. Â Use experience and creative execution to maximise what the client has to spend and gather as much content as time allows.
To achieve this matching the correct production value to the client’s budget is essential.  A 2FEET we understand that its not where the end video will be shown, but the story that needs to be told is the most important thing.  With in house equipment at 2FEET ranging from 4k cinema video to the smallest action cameras…and everything in between, its an easy fit to make sure the best quality material is produced on budget and on time.
Delivering the right production value means on the one project it is often possible to shoot for cinema, online video, broadcast TV and still photography all at the same time, saving the client the need for multiple shoots and providing multiple deliverable in a very efficient and cost effective manner.
Its a cooking show, content and hack all rolled up into a hilarious multi camera shoot with Jimmy James and a lot of eggs. Â This content package is a great example of getting a good combination of material over a couple of days buy using great talent and a director that knows how to capitalise on such an opportunity.
 We cover the main action with 2 Canon Cinema cameras and had some go pros hidden on set as well…so basically a 3 camera shoot on shoestring for abundantly great results.
- Cooking show style content
- Food styling
- Working with professional talent using only improvisation
- Motion graphics in house
- Multiple cameras in house
- Studio shoot
- Set dressing
- Props
- Small crew
- Multiple Videos and hacks shot over 2 days
The creation of over 100 videos for a specialised IPAD content experience.
This is an example of bulk content creation on an industrial scale.  The sheer number of videos required  careful planning, a complete understanding of the working combination of live action and green screen, and the ability to work with non actor talent over a lengthy period, to capture the material required with fantastic results for the client.
- Over 100 videos produced
- Green screen studio shoot
- Combined live action mixed visual feeds on set
- In house post production of all editing, effects and sound mixing to delivery
- Working with client staff and contractors to bring the project to life over an extended period
Multiple video content package using the client as talent
- Small crew
- All in house post production
- Multiple videos
- Client as talent